Saturday, June 21, 2008

my BFF moved

so today my best friend that i have had forever just moved today. and now i am pretty sad, even though she just moved to salt lake but still to me thats far away. but we as a friendship will be able to make it so im excited to see what our friendship brings us.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 more months

so i only have like 2 more months until i move up to the big ID. i cant wait but im going to miss my family tons, but at least i will have my oldest sister. but im really excited to explore rexburg and meet new people and go advance my education in cosmetology. well thats all i cant wait to see you all soon

Monday, June 2, 2008


hey well we all know now that i am no longer an EHS student. Now im trying to survive in the real world, which today being my first not having to go to school, its pretty easy so far. i know though its not always going to be like that o well, all i have to do is stay strong. but i cant wait til september when i can start beauty school and have fun up in rexburg. im really looking forward of adventuring my life outside of this dinky town and meeting some new friends and recieving long time friendships with hopefully a true friend. anyways thanks to all that came to the party, and to them that didnt i know i was in your hearts plus its not like im not going to see you some time this summer anyways cause you know are fam we never ever get together and have a blast with each other.. anyways love you all